All page references are to The Fantasy Trip In the Labyrinth rulebook, unless noted otherwise.
A collection of my own musings, not to be taken too seriously. -HJC
A common apprehension is that the wrong choices at character creation in TFT will give a character who can't effectively advance at the same rate at their peers, or will be stuck in a small unintersting niche. In this article I will explore a variety of characters and show how these can advance over time. The only restriction I'm imposing on myself is that the characters don't spend more than half their starting funds (i.e. $500) on weapons and armor and they don't find any fine or enchanted weapons as they advance.
Annie, Goblin, age 20 ST 6, DX 14, IQ 12, MA 10 Talents include: Acrobatics, Dagger Expertise, Silent Movement, Stealth, Streetwise Languages: Common, Goblin, Thieves’ argot Weapon: 2 very fine daggers (1d+2), 10 daggers (1d) ($500 total) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4) Armor: -1 to be hit with dagger in hand Equipment: streetgoblin clothes ($35), backpack ($40), Belt Pouch ($5), waterskin ($3), Labyrinth kit ($30), 2 torches ($2), 2 days rations ($10), 2 healing potions ($300), 7 gold, 4 silvers, 10 coppers ($75) Special note:
Annie carries 18.51 pounds of encumbrance (assuming potions are 0.2 pounds each), giving her only a massive penalty while swimming. She can pick up five and a half pounds of treasure before slowing down. She may want to consider ditching the hammer and spikes from her Labyrinth kit (saving at least three pounds) as she has Acrobatics instead of Climbing.
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This game aid is the original creation of Henry J. Cobb and is released for free distribution, and not for resale, under the permissions granted in the Steve Jackson Games Online Policy.