Cleveson, Human, age 20 ST 12, DX 10, IQ 10, MA 10 Talents include: Alertness, Climbing, Gardener (mundane), Knife, Shield Expertise, Sword, Toughness Language: Common Weapon: broadsword (2d), dagger (1d-1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-2) Armor: Toughness and small shield stops 3 hits, -1 to be hit Equipment: barbaric fur vest shorts and boots, backpack, Labyrinth kit, 2 torches, waterskin, 2 days rations, $20 in coin
Cleveson's Gardener talent is more of a gatherer talent, from when his mother taught him which wild plants, mushrooms, and eggs native to the high peaks of his mountain tribe were safe to eat. He doesn't like to talk much about his background because being taunted as a mother's boy is one of his many berserk triggers. All his father left him were the blades and shield by which he seeks to make a living in the cities of the lowlands.
Age 24 Having survived a few adventures, Cleveson flips his first 1300 XP into +4 DX and +1 IQ. He is now ST 12, DX 14 (13), IQ 11 and wears cloth armor. His sword is now fine or enchanted or both. He carries a few brands and other items to deal with threats his sword is impotent against.
Age 27 His next 1500 XP are spent on Woodsman, which combined with his Alertness make him an excellent guide in the wilderness. He spends $2000 on a Pathfinder enchantment pendant, which he finds himself lending out far too often to wizards who ought to just hit the books.
Age 30 Another 1500 XP go into Sword Expertise and he's picked up something that acts like Water Armor that thirsts for blood to repair its own rips and has a strange enchantment that grants the Swimming talent.
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This game aid is the original creation of Henry J. Cobb and is released for free distribution, and not for resale, under the permissions granted in the Steve Jackson Games Online Policy.