Weekly Job Role: Frouge, the Dwarf Porter

Frouge, Dwarf, age 20
ST 12, DX 10, IQ 10, MA 10
Talents include: Crossbow, Knife, Missile Weapons II, Shield Expertise, Sword, Toughness
Languages: Common (mundane), Dwarvish
Weapons: fine dagger (1d, 1d+2 HTH), broadsword (2d), light crossbow (2d)
Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-2)
Armor: Small shield and Toughness stop 3 hits, -1 to be hit
Equipment: backpack, belt pouch, blanket, crowbar, field clothes, lantern, 2 molotails, quiver with 20 quarrels, 3 days rations, labyrinth kit, tarp, 2 waterskins (one empty)

As a porter for hire, Frouge carries up to 96 pounds total load at MA 10, minus 50 pounds of his own gear is 46 pounds in his backpack for the party's loot. He'll carry another 48 pounds if required, but this drops his MA to 8. He is hired from the Mercenary guild for $100/wk, paid to the guild up front, and he turns back when the time is up.

I let characters take Common as a mundane talent but it's semi-talented and hence they speak in a rough accent and are at an additional die to IQ rolls to understand or be understood. Ordinary conversation can generally just be repeated, but this can prove troublesome in combat or in hastly scribbled notes.

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