The party finds a cold war brewing between two factions in the ancient city of Septemon. On one side is Ozia Mar who seized the title of Primia twenty years ago and hence controls the civic functions:
Ozia Mar, orc, age 45 ST 11, DX 12, IQ 14, MA 10 Talents: Administrator, Area Knowledge, Brawling, Business Sense, Carousing, Charisma, Courtly Graces, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Knife, Literacy, Recognize Value, Sex Appeal Languages: Common, Orcish Weapon: Scepter of office wielded as a club (1d+1), fine dagger (1d; 1d+2 HTH) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-1) Equipment: Upper class clothing, etc.
The other faction is led by her son whom she installed in the office of the high priest of Rhakkra in the city five years ago, and hence controls the religious and mystical authority of the city:
Jont Mar, Orc wizard, age 25 ST 9, DX 14 (13), IQ 15, MA 10 Talents include: Knife, Literacy, Theologian Spells include: 3-Hex Fire, 3-Hex Wall, 4-Hex Illusion, 7-Hex Shadow, Control Person, Dispel Illusions, Lightning, Mage Sight, Megahex Avert, Reverse Missiles, Staff IV Languages: Common, Orcish Weapon: Staff IV ebony maul (1d+1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Equipment: High priest robes, belt pouch, etc. Magic Items: • Staff IV (Mana: 6): With a 6 point powerstone. • two Dazzle Gems (in pouch) • Four healing potions (in pouch)
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